Barbell Coach & Physio: Is velocity based training the new way to measure a PB?

Episode #75 we chat with guest Jacob Tober from vbt about their app which is soon to launch. This technology allows people to record metrics and data, in relation to the velocity and distance of their lifts. Tune in to find out all about this game-changing app!


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Related VBT articles

Velocity Based Training for Powerlifting

Velocity Based Training is a potential game changer for Powerlifting. Get started here with this beginners guide to help you level up your lifts and dominate the platform with bar speed tracking
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A complete guide to 1RM testing & strength estimation

Everything you need to know about testing, estimating and utilising the one repetition maximum (1RM) in your training. A one rep max is the most amount of weight you can lift for a single repetition...
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5 methods for measuring your 1RM strength in the gym

There are many well-researched and valid methods to find your one-rep max (1RM) this article we will unpack 5 of the best. Find your 1-rep max for bench press, squats, deadlift and more.
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Elevate Your Training with Metric VBT

Maximise your workout effectiveness by monitoring key metrics like velocity, power, range of motion and tempo with just your smartphone.

Metric VBT automatically calculates your 1RM from bar speed data, along with bar path tracking, RPE logging and a full workout builder.

Metric is the perfect lifting app to refine your technique and enhance your strength.

Download it on iOS today.

App Store download logo for Metric VBT