Articles and podcasts about velocity based training
Learn the theory and applications you need to leverage bar speed tracking in your training and programming
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New here? Start with the fundamentals of VBT series
Grab a coffee and settle in.
This ten part series is your ultimate quick-start guide to understanding and applying velocity in the gym.
Full of practical gems, in an hour or two you will be a VBT master ready to unlock incredible gains in your training.
Velocity Based Training for Powerlifting
Velocity Based Training for Powerlifting
Velocity Based Training is a potential game changer for Powerlifting. Get started here with this beginners guide to help you level up your lifts and dominate the platform with bar speed tracking
Velocity Based Training is a potential game changer for Powerlifting. Get started here with this beginners guide to help you level up your lifts and dominate the platform with bar speed tracking
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Faster reps vs slow reps: Why you should be using both in your program
Faster reps vs slow reps: Why you should be using both in your program
Get the most out of your training by capitalising on the benefits of both fast reps and slow reps in your training to maximise your strength, power and hypertrophy gains in the gym.
Get the most out of your training by capitalising on the benefits of both fast reps and slow reps in your training to maximise your strength, power and hypertrophy gains in the gym.
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A complete guide to VBT training devices and barbell velocity tracker apps [2025 UPDATE]
A complete guide to VBT training devices and barbell velocity tracker apps [2025 UPDATE]
Linear positional transducers, Accelerometers, rack mounted cameras, smartphone apps — There are so many good ways to measure bar speed! This guide lists all the devices and apps on offer when choosing a VBT system.
Linear positional transducers, Accelerometers, rack mounted cameras, smartphone apps — There are so many good ways to measure bar speed! This guide lists all the devices and apps on offer when choosing a VBT system.
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How Barbell velocity tracking can make you stronger
How Barbell velocity tracking can make you stronger
You already do velocity based training - you just don't call it that! Whether it is conscious or subconscious, lifters are constantly analysing their sets through the lens of how fast the bar moves.
You already do velocity based training - you just don't call it that! Whether it is conscious or subconscious, lifters are constantly analysing their sets through the lens of how fast the bar moves.
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A complete guide to 1RM testing & strength estimation
A complete guide to 1RM testing & strength estimation
Everything you need to know about testing, estimating and utilising the one repetition maximum (1RM) in your training. A one rep max is the most amount of weight you can lift for a single repetition...
Everything you need to know about testing, estimating and utilising the one repetition maximum (1RM) in your training. A one rep max is the most amount of weight you can lift for a single repetition...
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VBT log: Planning deloads from velocity data
VBT log: Planning deloads from velocity data
December 11, 2023: Getting sick, planning deloads and adjusting training with velocity trends.
December 11, 2023: Getting sick, planning deloads and adjusting training with velocity trends.
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Last rep velocity & RPE: Autoregulated strength training with VBT
Last rep velocity & RPE: Autoregulated strength training with VBT
Ideal for powerlifters, last rep velocity and RPE combine to unlock incredible strength gains through improved training autoregulation
Ideal for powerlifters, last rep velocity and RPE combine to unlock incredible strength gains through improved training autoregulation
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Breaking strength personal records with VBT
Breaking strength personal records with VBT
December 1, 2023: A 12-month best weight and a new velocity personal record
December 1, 2023: A 12-month best weight and a new velocity personal record
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Power metrics in the weightroom are flawed, but you should still use them
Power metrics in the weightroom are flawed, but you should still use them
Using VBT for power provides a simple, easy to understand metric that drives intent and motivation in training. But they are far from perfect.
Using VBT for power provides a simple, easy to understand metric that drives intent and motivation in training. But they are far from perfect.
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Is overtraining hurting your strength and muscle gains
Is overtraining hurting your strength and muscle gains
Probably not, Imagine your training year like building a brick wall... Too much effort in one brick will compromise the entire structure.
Probably not, Imagine your training year like building a brick wall... Too much effort in one brick will compromise the entire structure.
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Training to failure: a complete guide to the pros and cons
Training to failure: a complete guide to the pros and cons
Going all out isn't always best for strength or hypertrophy; it leads to overtraining, injury, and kills gains. By measuring proximity to failure with RPE and VBT, you can train hard and smart for consistent long-term results. Learn when to use failure strategically in your programs
Going all out isn't always best for strength or hypertrophy; it leads to overtraining, injury, and kills gains. By measuring proximity to failure with RPE and VBT, you can train hard and smart for consistent long-term results. Learn when to use failure strategically in your programs
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5 methods for measuring your 1RM strength in the gym
5 methods for measuring your 1RM strength in the gym
There are many well-researched and valid methods to find your one-rep max (1RM) this article we will unpack 5 of the best. Find your 1-rep max for bench press, squats, deadlift and more.
There are many well-researched and valid methods to find your one-rep max (1RM) this article we will unpack 5 of the best. Find your 1-rep max for bench press, squats, deadlift and more.
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Machines vs free weights for strength and power: Which is better?
Machines vs free weights for strength and power: Which is better?
Machines, barbells & free weights are all incredible training tools. But what does science say is the best for building the most muscle or strength?
Machines, barbells & free weights are all incredible training tools. But what does science say is the best for building the most muscle or strength?
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The Coaches Table: All things Velocity Based Training w/ Jacob Tober
The Coaches Table: All things Velocity Based Training w/ Jacob Tober
Podcast: In this episode with discuss in depth with Jacob Tober on all things Velocity Based Training, starting a business, an app and developing.
Podcast: In this episode with discuss in depth with Jacob Tober on all things Velocity Based Training, starting a business, an app and developing.
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Oxidative Potential: Velocity based training for Performance, Autoregulatory methods
Oxidative Potential: Velocity based training for Performance, Autoregulatory methods
Podcast: Among being a leader, practitioner and educator in the Velocity Based Training space, Jacob is also an ASCA certified coach, and an ESSA accredited Sports scientist.
Podcast: Among being a leader, practitioner and educator in the Velocity Based Training space, Jacob is also an ASCA certified coach, and an ESSA accredited Sports scientist.
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Effective example applications of velocity based training
Effective example applications of velocity based training
Can you get strong without velocity based training and barbell tracking? Probably. Is it easier, and will you make gains faster with it? Absolutely
Can you get strong without velocity based training and barbell tracking? Probably. Is it easier, and will you make gains faster with it? Absolutely
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Estimate your 1RM with bar speed tracking (VBT)
Estimate your 1RM with bar speed tracking (VBT)
Since the start, VBT has been used to estimate 1RM strength in the gym. Here is everything you need to know.
Since the start, VBT has been used to estimate 1RM strength in the gym. Here is everything you need to know.
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Velocity Based Training for Bodybuilding
Velocity Based Training for Bodybuilding
Using VBT and velocity tracking to make gains and improve the quality of your hypertrophy training
Using VBT and velocity tracking to make gains and improve the quality of your hypertrophy training
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Petey Performance: Redefining Velocity Based Training with Jacob Tober (VBT Coach)
Petey Performance: Redefining Velocity Based Training with Jacob Tober (VBT Coach)
Podcast: This episode of the podcast is with Australian S&C Coach and founder of Metric VBT, Jacob Tober. Jacob is an expert in velocity-based training and has spent the last couple of years developing his own VBT tracking tool in the form of Metric.
Podcast: This episode of the podcast is with Australian S&C Coach and founder of Metric VBT, Jacob Tober. Jacob is an expert in velocity-based training and has spent the last couple of years developing his own VBT tracking tool in the form of Metric.
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From the Ground Up: VBT and how to make the most out of utilizing VBT within your program
From the Ground Up: VBT and how to make the most out of utilizing VBT within your program
Podcast: Velocity based training can be a gamechanger in a number of ways, firstly it gives a snap shot of an athletes overall readiness for a given session. This gives coaches measurable data at the beginning of training to help gauge stress.
Podcast: Velocity based training can be a gamechanger in a number of ways, firstly it gives a snap shot of an athletes overall readiness for a given session. This gives coaches measurable data at the beginning of training to help gauge stress.
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Velocity based training for strength
Velocity based training for strength
Practical examples and benefits to using velocity based training in your strength training program. Read how I structured my rebuild phase to get to my best-ever strength levels with the help of barbell velocity tracking
Practical examples and benefits to using velocity based training in your strength training program. Read how I structured my rebuild phase to get to my best-ever strength levels with the help of barbell velocity tracking
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Velocity zones part 4: Applications of velocity based training
Velocity zones part 4: Applications of velocity based training
Velocity zones are often misunderstood, dive into three practical ways to apply them for making strength and power gains with VBT
Velocity zones are often misunderstood, dive into three practical ways to apply them for making strength and power gains with VBT
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Eric the Performance Guy: Velocity tracking with Jacob Tober
Eric the Performance Guy: Velocity tracking with Jacob Tober
Podcast: A 55 minute chat about all things VBT and velocity tracking for athletic performance with Eric the Performance Guy
Podcast: A 55 minute chat about all things VBT and velocity tracking for athletic performance with Eric the Performance Guy
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Free velocity based training 1RM calculator and logbook
Free velocity based training 1RM calculator and logbook
Take advantage of the full power of barbell velocity tracking in your training with this free 1RM calculator and programming tool
Take advantage of the full power of barbell velocity tracking in your training with this free 1RM calculator and programming tool
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SportsGrad: How to launch your career in sport science
SportsGrad: How to launch your career in sport science
Podcast: We may have just found the model sport science grad!! Now well and truly a professional, Jacob Tober is a learning machine. At uni he was top of his class, at 22 he became a @coreadvantage business partner. And now he’s created his own app!
Podcast: We may have just found the model sport science grad!! Now well and truly a professional, Jacob Tober is a learning machine. At uni he was top of his class, at 22 he became a @coreadvantage business partner. And now he’s created his own app!
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Struggle to Strength Podcast: Velocity based training with Jacob Tober
Struggle to Strength Podcast: Velocity based training with Jacob Tober
Podcast: The more variables we can improve upon, the better we become. Especially when it comes to health, fitness, and the competitive environment.
Podcast: The more variables we can improve upon, the better we become. Especially when it comes to health, fitness, and the competitive environment.
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Tracking progress in the gym with velocity based training (VBT)
Tracking progress in the gym with velocity based training (VBT)
Using velocity to highlight progress can be a great way to keep athletes motivated and enable program adjustments without the need for time-consuming periodisation and painstaking spreadsheet creation
Using velocity to highlight progress can be a great way to keep athletes motivated and enable program adjustments without the need for time-consuming periodisation and painstaking spreadsheet creation
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Autoregulation and readiness with velocity based training
Autoregulation and readiness with velocity based training
Strength and power readiness fluctuate on a daily basis. With velocity based training it is possible assess this change in fatigue state in real-time during your session, here's how to use bar speed to autoregulate and optimise your workouts
Strength and power readiness fluctuate on a daily basis. With velocity based training it is possible assess this change in fatigue state in real-time during your session, here's how to use bar speed to autoregulate and optimise your workouts
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Managing your bar speed data
Managing your bar speed data
VBT truly shines when you have a recorded training history to help put everything in context. Learn the best approach to logging your data.
VBT truly shines when you have a recorded training history to help put everything in context. Learn the best approach to logging your data.
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Reactive Training Systems: Using Velocity to Calibrate RPE
Reactive Training Systems: Using Velocity to Calibrate RPE
Podcast: In this episode, RTS Founder and Head Coach, Mike Tuchscherer, meets with Jacob Tober of 'Metric' which is a velocity-based training app that helps you measure velocity with your smartphone--no strings attached.
Podcast: In this episode, RTS Founder and Head Coach, Mike Tuchscherer, meets with Jacob Tober of 'Metric' which is a velocity-based training app that helps you measure velocity with your smartphone--no strings attached.
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Load velocity profile: A complete guide to athletic VBT profiling
Load velocity profile: A complete guide to athletic VBT profiling
The load velocity profile is stable relationship between the weight we lift and the speed at which we move it. There are a number of calculations and applications that can help coaches and athletes track progress, monitor fatigue, and optimise training in the short and long-term.
The load velocity profile is stable relationship between the weight we lift and the speed at which we move it. There are a number of calculations and applications that can help coaches and athletes track progress, monitor fatigue, and optimise training in the short and long-term.
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How bar speed data can unlock strength and performance gains
How bar speed data can unlock strength and performance gains
Using VBT training to boost your strength gains and drive motivation and competition in your workout programs. Learn the theory and application of barbell velocity tracking to provide real-time feedback and increase your intent when lifting weights
Using VBT training to boost your strength gains and drive motivation and competition in your workout programs. Learn the theory and application of barbell velocity tracking to provide real-time feedback and increase your intent when lifting weights
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User Friendly: Jacob Tober on MetricVBT
User Friendly: Jacob Tober on MetricVBT
Podcast: Our guest this week is Jacob Tober of MetricVBT. Jacob joins us from Australia to give us the inside track on his company. They are creating a very user friendly app for your workouts in the gym.
Podcast: Our guest this week is Jacob Tober of MetricVBT. Jacob joins us from Australia to give us the inside track on his company. They are creating a very user friendly app for your workouts in the gym.
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Review bar speed tracking data from your training sets
Review bar speed tracking data from your training sets
It is when we look at the set level that we can start to make real-time assessments of how today’s training is going.
It is when we look at the set level that we can start to make real-time assessments of how today’s training is going.
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Prepare like a Pro: Head of Research and Development at Core Advantage
Prepare like a Pro: Head of Research and Development at Core Advantage
Podcast: Joining Jack today is Jacob from Core Advantage. He is also Co-Founder of Metric, an app that uses a unique computer vision system and rep-detection algorithm to analyse camera footage from a mobile device and measure barbell velocity.
Podcast: Joining Jack today is Jacob from Core Advantage. He is also Co-Founder of Metric, an app that uses a unique computer vision system and rep-detection algorithm to analyse camera footage from a mobile device and measure barbell velocity.
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Analysing a single rep - VBT metrics use case
Analysing a single rep - VBT metrics use case
Explore the definitions, theory and application of the most common metrics available with barbell velocity trackers. Learn how to apply these metrics to your training.
Explore the definitions, theory and application of the most common metrics available with barbell velocity trackers. Learn how to apply these metrics to your training.
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No Weak Links: Theory & Practical use of Velocity Based Training
No Weak Links: Theory & Practical use of Velocity Based Training
Podcast: On this episode I interviewed Jacob Tober who is a Strength & Conditioning Coach and the Co-Founder of Metric which is a velocity based system used on your smart phone.
Podcast: On this episode I interviewed Jacob Tober who is a Strength & Conditioning Coach and the Co-Founder of Metric which is a velocity based system used on your smart phone.
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Barbell Coach & Physio: Is velocity based training the new way to measure a PB?
Barbell Coach & Physio: Is velocity based training the new way to measure a PB?
Podcast: Episode #75 we chat with guest Jacob Tober from Metric VBT about their app which is soon to launch. This technology allows people to record metrics and data, in relation to the velocity and distance of their lifts.
Podcast: Episode #75 we chat with guest Jacob Tober from Metric VBT about their app which is soon to launch. This technology allows people to record metrics and data, in relation to the velocity and distance of their lifts.
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Metric VBT: The revolutionary barbell velocity tracking app
Metric VBT: The revolutionary barbell velocity tracking app
MetricVBT is a revolutionary bar speed tracking app that uses your smartphone camera to accurately track velocity and range of motion for barbell lifts. Externally validated, easy to use, and free
MetricVBT is a revolutionary bar speed tracking app that uses your smartphone camera to accurately track velocity and range of motion for barbell lifts. Externally validated, easy to use, and free
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Propulsive vs mean vs peak velocity
Propulsive vs mean vs peak velocity
There are many different ways to measure velocity in your training. Read on to explore the differences, uses and why the best metric might not be the one you are currently using.
There are many different ways to measure velocity in your training. Read on to explore the differences, uses and why the best metric might not be the one you are currently using.
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Velocity zones part 3: A new system for VBT zone training
Velocity zones part 3: A new system for VBT zone training
It's time to reimagine the velocity zones, simpler to use, faster to explain, and relevant to existing programming approaches. Learn the details of a new, flexible three zone system for training and coaching with barbell velocity.
It's time to reimagine the velocity zones, simpler to use, faster to explain, and relevant to existing programming approaches. Learn the details of a new, flexible three zone system for training and coaching with barbell velocity.
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Triax Performance Show: Velocity Based Training explained with Jacob Tober
Triax Performance Show: Velocity Based Training explained with Jacob Tober
Podcast: Jacob Tober, a strength and conditioning coach and sport scientist was gracious enough to come on the DeakHeads podcast to talk all things Velocity based training (VBT).
Podcast: Jacob Tober, a strength and conditioning coach and sport scientist was gracious enough to come on the DeakHeads podcast to talk all things Velocity based training (VBT).
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Core Advantage: Jacob Tober On How To Use Velocity Based Training
Core Advantage: Jacob Tober On How To Use Velocity Based Training
Podcast: former host Jacob returns as a guest to talk all about Velocity based training and barbell velocity tracking - a powerful way to get more out of your training.
Podcast: former host Jacob returns as a guest to talk all about Velocity based training and barbell velocity tracking - a powerful way to get more out of your training.
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Velocity zones part 2: The problem with the five zone model
Velocity zones part 2: The problem with the five zone model
The 5-zone training model of velocity based training is broken and flawed. The most commonly used five zone model including speed-strength and strength-speed is not all that useful. Here's why, and a better solution.
The 5-zone training model of velocity based training is broken and flawed. The most commonly used five zone model including speed-strength and strength-speed is not all that useful. Here's why, and a better solution.
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Velocity zones part 1: The history of the VBT speed zones
Velocity zones part 1: The history of the VBT speed zones
Dive into the history of the 5 velocity strength zones in velocity based training. Learn the origins and why they might not be the best system...
Dive into the history of the 5 velocity strength zones in velocity based training. Learn the origins and why they might not be the best system...
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Explosive weight training to increase your vertical jump with VBT
Explosive weight training to increase your vertical jump with VBT
Do you want to add inches to your jump? Velocity based training might be the key increasing your leap with lifting weights in the gym
Do you want to add inches to your jump? Velocity based training might be the key increasing your leap with lifting weights in the gym
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Adapting Dan John's rule of ten to velocity based training
Adapting Dan John's rule of ten to velocity based training
Dan John’s rule of ten for strength training changed how I program. Here’s how I have adapted it and apply it when doing velocity based training.
Dan John’s rule of ten for strength training changed how I program. Here’s how I have adapted it and apply it when doing velocity based training.
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Henneman's Size Principle explained - How it can help your lifting
Henneman's Size Principle explained - How it can help your lifting
Henneman is one of the godfathers of strength and power adaptations. His landmark discovery in motor unit recruitment, the ways we can shortcut and accentuate the activation of our biggest most forceful muscle fibres has key implications in your training program
Henneman is one of the godfathers of strength and power adaptations. His landmark discovery in motor unit recruitment, the ways we can shortcut and accentuate the activation of our biggest most forceful muscle fibres has key implications in your training program
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Cluster sets training method - how and when to use in your workouts
Cluster sets training method - how and when to use in your workouts
Cluster set training is an effective way to increase workout density and training volume without sacrificing strength or power output. Here is how you can use them in your next program to maximise time efficiency in the gym.
Cluster set training is an effective way to increase workout density and training volume without sacrificing strength or power output. Here is how you can use them in your next program to maximise time efficiency in the gym.
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Velocity loss threshold: Fatigue percentage guidelines for VBT
Velocity loss threshold: Fatigue percentage guidelines for VBT
Learn how to use velocity loss thresholds in your training? Find the optimal fatigue % to maximise strength and power in the gym.
Learn how to use velocity loss thresholds in your training? Find the optimal fatigue % to maximise strength and power in the gym.
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Published! My first velocity based training research paper
Published! My first velocity based training research paper
I had an awesome experience as part of my first research team. In our study we looked at the neural effects of training with intent.
I had an awesome experience as part of my first research team. In our study we looked at the neural effects of training with intent.
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Level up your workouts with real-time bar speed feedback
Level up your workouts with real-time bar speed feedback
Use real time velocity feedback to increase motivation and drive competition for this simple way to boost your strength and power training program
Use real time velocity feedback to increase motivation and drive competition for this simple way to boost your strength and power training program
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Applications and example uses of velocity based training (VBT)
Applications and example uses of velocity based training (VBT)
Practical strategies to help you make faster progress in the gym by applying VBT training methods. Ideal for athletes, strength development and power training
Practical strategies to help you make faster progress in the gym by applying VBT training methods. Ideal for athletes, strength development and power training
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The Science behind Velocity Based Training
The Science behind Velocity Based Training
Velocity based training is built on two simple foundational principles. The load-velocity profile and the principle of intent to move.
Velocity based training is built on two simple foundational principles. The load-velocity profile and the principle of intent to move.
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What is velocity based training? A beginners guide to VBT in the gym
What is velocity based training? A beginners guide to VBT in the gym
A beginner's guide to Velocity based training (VBT). VBT is GPS but for lifting weights. It helps lifters better control fatigue, intensity to optimise training and programming.
A beginner's guide to Velocity based training (VBT). VBT is GPS but for lifting weights. It helps lifters better control fatigue, intensity to optimise training and programming.
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Core Advantage: The Benefits Of Velocity Based Training
Core Advantage: The Benefits Of Velocity Based Training
Podcast: With the release of our new online VBT course, Durham and Jacob dive into the strengths, weaknesses, and touch of some of the best practices for utilising VBT with your clients and athletes.
Podcast: With the release of our new online VBT course, Durham and Jacob dive into the strengths, weaknesses, and touch of some of the best practices for utilising VBT with your clients and athletes.
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